No matter who you are, no matter where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here!
MISSION STATEMENT: We resolve to love, unite to serve, and commit to curiosity for God IS still speaking.

What is happening at the First Congregational Church, Watertown, SD?
Join us for upcoming events at the church every month. We have some special things planned and we would love for you to join us. This is a great opportunity to meet new people, join in some fun activities, and learn more about our faith.
We have Women’s Fellowship, Bible Study, Crafters Fare, and Sunday mornings church services at 10 am, every is welcome.
The event / birthday calendar has more of the listings.
We look forward to seeing you.
Wed. Message
January 8, 2025
New Year, New You?
"Brothers and sisters, I do not think that I have grasped it yet, but one thing I have grasped: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal, toward the prize of the heavenly call of God in Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 3:13-14
As the calendar turns to a new year, it can feel like the world is offering us a blank page, a fresh start, and a chance to redefine ourselves. The tradition of making New Year's resolutions reflects a noble aspect of the human spirit: the desire to grow, improve, and strive for something better. Whether it's committing to healthier habits, pursuing a new goal, or mending relationships, these resolutions come from a place of hope and faith in the possibility of transformation.
And yet, in our eagerness to embrace the new, we must also honor the past — the seasons that have shaped us, the lessons we’ve learned, and the versions of ourselves that got us here. Too often, we focus on what we want to change without taking the time to thank God for the person we’ve been.
This duality — being grateful for what is while striving towards what could be — is a sacred rhythm of the Christian life. In Philippians 3:13-14, the Apostle Paul speaks of "forgetting what lies behind" as he presses on toward God's calling. But this isn't a dismissal of the past; it’s an invitation to release anything that hinders us so that we can move forward in freedom. Before we press on, we must pause to acknowledge where we’ve been.
Think of the past year. Perhaps it was filled with triumphs — milestones you reached or prayers answered. Or maybe it was marked by challenges — moments when you simply did your best to endure. Whatever it looked like, know this: every version of you, even the imperfect ones, carried a spark of God's image and love. Those moments of effort, failure, and growth were not wasted. They were all part of your becoming.
So as we step into the new year, let us resolve to grow and change, but let us also practice gratitude for the journey so far. Let us recognize that God has been with us in every moment — past, present, and future. Our striving to "be better" is holy, but so is the act of looking back with compassion and saying, "Thank you, God, for who I’ve been." Self-improvement is not about erasing the past but about building on it. It’s about seeing God’s fingerprints on every part of your story and trusting that the same God who brought you this far will continue to lead you forward. Happy New Year!
Gracious God,
As I step into this new year, I thank you for the journey so far — the highs and lows, the lessons learned, and the grace that carried me through. Help me to embrace the call to grow and change while remembering that I am already loved just as I am. Guide my resolutions so they reflect not just my desires but your purpose for my life. Teach me to honor who I’ve been, strive toward who I’m becoming, and trust that you are with me every step of the way. Amen.
The sign-up sheet to serve coffee on Sunday morning is now located upstairs on the bulletin board in the back of the narthex. Please sign up to serve.
If you have any questions about serving coffee on Sunday morning, please reach out to Susan Aamold – (917) 657-8991.
UCC Annual Meeting, tentatively set for Sunday, January 19, 2025, following the worship service with a pot luck meal.
Please remember to get your annual meeting reports in as soon as possible, as it does take awhile to put together the booklet. Thank you!!
Bible Study, the 2nd & 4th Sunday of the month at 3PM with Pastor Dustin, everyone is always welcome to
join us.
Please join us upstairs before church and downstairs in the Fellowship Hall following the worship service on Sunday mornings for coffee and treats, everyone is always welcome.
We are still taking donations for Rachel's Hope (hygiene products) and the Salvation Army (food). There is a list of needed supplies on the bulletin board at the entrance to the church.
Money Counters:
Jan 12 Robin Briggs
Jan 19 Wayne Johnson
Jan 26 Shari Wirkus
Do we have your correct information?
If you have moved, taken out your landline, changed cell numbers, switched email addresses, etc.
We would greatly appreciate a note, email or phone call so we can update our records, Call or email:
605-886-6994 or ucc1wtn@midco.net.