No matter who you are, no matter where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here!
MISSION STATEMENT: We resolve to love, unite to serve, and commit to curiosity for God IS still speaking.
Dustin Bartlett - Pastor
Susan Aamold - Moderator
Brenda Zemlicka - Treasurer/Financial Secretary
Patty Zemlicka - Historian
Members of Council:
Nominating Committee for 2025: Dawn Engel, Julie Johnson, and Lynne Forbush
Term Ends 2025
Robyn Briggs
Melissa Pond
Jordan Zemlicka
Term Ends 2026
Rosanne Dyce-Anderson
Cyndy Voight
Jerica Zemlicka
Term Ends 2027
Wayne Johnson
Sue Pearson
Shari Wirkus
Church Council Committees 2023
Brenda Zemlicka Rosanne Dyce-Anderson
Cyndi Spieker Amber Nogelmeier
Marlys Moore
Jim Clendenin
Alan Pearson
Jim Pond
Cyndy Voight Cyndi Spieker
Jordan Zemlicka Robin Briggs
Sue Pearson
Lynne Forbush Rosanne Dyce-Anderson
Building & Grounds
Lucas Nogelmeier Lynne Forbush
Scott Anderson
Mission & Outreach
Brenda Foster Melissa Pond
Cyndi Spieker Allison Foster
Council Minutes
Moderators April Message
Hello! The month of March went by so quickly this year!
It is hard to believe that we are moving into April already. March was a month filled with Easter activities here atthe First Congregational UCC.
We had a great turn out of volunteers to help with the making and serving of chili and cupcakes at the Wednesday noon Lenten Services held at the United Methodist Church here in town. I want to thank everyone who helped that day. It was a wonderful experience and I am grateful that I could be a part of it.
Now that April is approaching it is time for us to think about spending more time outside and tackling the projects that have surfaced over the fall and winter months. April is the month of freshness and renewal, everything bright and beautiful. The church council has planned our spring clean-up date tentatively for April 27th. Please mark your calendars if you are able to help. If spring clean-up day is not something you can do, we have several other opportunities to get involved. Please see me if you are interested in joining a committee or volunteering to get involved in any way.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter.
~ Susan Aamold