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Writer's pictureTom Emanuel

Little Epiphanies

“Never place a period where God has placed a comma.” --Gracie Allen

Gracie Allen’s quote is where the United Church of Christ gets its famous comma logo. It captures an insight expressed, in more traditional language, by John Robinson, pastor to the Puritans aboard the Mayflower: “I am verily persuaded the Lord hath more truth yet to break forth out of His [sic] Holy Word.” Revelation is an ongoing process. Just as the Spirit came upon the first disciples at Pentecost, so too She is moving in and through and around us, inspiring us to make new meaning from ancient traditions and live out the Good News in fresh and vital ways.

The liturgical season of Epiphany (the Greek word means “manifestation” or “showing-forth”) is one in which we turn our attention to the ways in which God reveals Godself to us. Every Sunday from now until Ash Wednesday (March 6), we’ll explore a different way in which the Spirit of Christ “shows up” in our lives and our world. Whether it’s prophetic work for justice or a walk in the woods on a winter’s day, whether it’s shared food and drink (Jesus loved a party, after all!) or the beauty of a favorite song or poem, God is still speaking. We just have to listen!

As we settle into 2019, may we find the spaciousness to listen for the voice of God that whispers to us in song and in silence, in community and in solitude, in work and in play. May God show Herself to us in new and unexpected ways. And may we become “little epiphanies” ourselves, signs of God’s ongoing revelation, demonstrating the love of the Divine to all our neighbors.

Blessin’s, --Tom

QUESTIONS FOR THE WEEK: Where do you experience the presence of God? How might you become more aware of the Divine in places you aren’t used to finding Her? How can we support each other in becoming “little epiphanies” of God’s compassion and justice?

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